Tuesday, 29 July 2014

About sustainability

And another one.
For more than seven years Diligent Energy systems was active in Tanzania. Diligent bought jatropha oil seeds from local farmers for a fair price and processed these seeds into biofuel. The oil was sold locally to flower farms safari companies and internationally for trials executed, among others, by KLM. The residue seed cake was used as an alternative for charcoal to, among others, safari companies who normally use firewood for their camps. Since the company was not able to become profitable, it was taken over by the DOEN foundation, a Dutch foundation operating with money from various lotteries. (30.000.000 Euro in 2013.)
Mission of the DOEN Foundation:
As driver of people and organizations that take the lead in the field of sustainable, social and cultural renewal DOEN Foundation strives towards a green, social and cultural society. DOEN supports these forerunners and brings them into contact with each other. DOEN Foundation annually supports more than 200 initiatives through grants, equity participations, loans and guarantees. Characteristic of these initiatives is the entrepreneurial approach: it is about people, organizations and companies that dare to take risks, be creative and innovative and thereby effectively contribute to a better and cleaner world. DOen supports initiatives in the field of culture and cohesion and green and social economy.
For unknown reasons DOEN decided to disinvest after a very short while, forcing the company into voluntary bankruptcy. At the very last minute the French based company Eco-Carbone decided to jump in to make Diligent profitable.
Statement of Eco-Carbone:
Eco-Carbone is very active in the new jatropha-based biofuel production market. It invests in several projects worldwide. Eco-Carbone provides technical advice to farmer communities who establish jatropha plantations. Eco-Carbone is both investor and manager of Industrial Joint Ventures, which produce crude oil and co-products of extraction.
Diligent could reach break even in 2014. There was money to buy at least 500 MT of jatropha seeds, there was pressing capacity to produce the oil and all the oil was already sold at forehand.

Unfortunately Eco-Carbone decided to desinvest, causing the end of Diligent Tanzania, leaving hundreds of farmers with unsold jatropha seeds.

Quinvita exit

There goes another one

The Jatropha breeding company Quinvita, (formerly D1) went into bankruptcy by the end of 2013. The breeding site on the Cape Verdian islands was closed down and planting material has been uprooted.